Sunday 6 April 2008

Glastonbury Ticket Day and My First Ever Post!

My day so far....

So I wake up 20 minutes before my alarm, convinced that I have missed my chance to get tickets, luckily(!) it's 740 and I have an hour and twenty minutes to wait before the torture of not being able to load the website happens.


At 830 I'm desperately trying to ring a friend who I'm supposed to be going with to find her postcode, but I know a fact that she's been out in London for her bro's birthday and probably got slaughtered. Hope that she hasn't actually lost her phone. We already cant get anywhere near either the Glasto nor the Seetickets websites.


Erik (the boyfriend) is trapsing round his building in Geneva (he moved there last Thursday) attempting to covince someone to let him log on to their internet connection, he says it'll be a good opportunity to test his french. I dont rate his chances. Noone answers their door. Plan B. Trapse Geneva in search of an internet cafe.


Ginge rings me with her tail between her legs. Silly Ginger! We hear word that James, a friend from undergrad can get through. Charlie gives him our details. We wait. We hear that he put our details in and was sent back to the first page. he tries again and now he cant put our reg numbers in, they're in use. Argh!!!!

Fingers crossed.

Now I pass Lottie's details on to James who has managed to get 4 computers through at the same time and has bought tickets for about 25 people. Hopefully we'll all be going this year!

It's now 10.57 and it looks like it's all over. Lottie and the family Shaw did get tickets.

Panic Over! 

Everyone got tickets! Glad cos II really hate it when someone doesn't get tickets - it happened to me 3 years ago and ws really horrid!

Time to... Relax.

I have to decide what to do with the rest of my day - I am supposed to be going for lunch with a friend, but he hasn't called me. I need to tidy up and clean my flat and Basil, my pet rat, needs cleaning out too. What I really want to do it sit in front of the tv and knit - I'm currently knitting a bag - I'm sure, if I keep this up, that you'll hear much more about that later on. In the meantime, I think I'll have a shower....

I apologise if this seems somewhat stilted, but I'm not sure how I'm going to write in this yet and this is only my first post so I should be forgiven! x

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